"Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good." Minor Myers, Jr.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Help Stop the Horror of Puppy Mills

This past Saturday I volunteered at the Humane Society here in Starkville. That morning three Poodles and three Yorkies had been dropped off by a breeder who was going out of business. All of the dogs were so badly matted it took two of us the whole morning to shave one of the Poodles. His ears were matted to his head and you couldn't even see his paws for the matted fur they were wrapped up in. When we were finished with him he was half the size he was in the beginning.

I was absolutely appalled at the condition of those dogs. You would think a breeder would take care of her animals but the same thing happens to dogs all over the country every day. This video hosted by Brad Garrett from "Everybody Loves Raymond" is a real eye-opener. Please take a moment to watch it and pass it on.


Puppy mills are large scale operations that force breeder dogs to produce litter after litter to support consumer demand for puppies. Puppies sold in pet stores or through Internet sites come from places filled with suffering, disease, malnutrition, and loneliness. Even the puppies themselves are often prone to a variety of diseases. Some die within days or weeks of purchase.

The Humane Society of the United States is working to stop puppy mills and they need your help.

Please watch this short video that exposes the cruelty of puppy mills. Then, you can take action by pledging to stop supporting the retailers that perpetuate cruel breeding practices. Click here:

Thanks for taking action!

1 comment:

teresa said...

hey there - found your blog thru a (nice!) comment you left on mine. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts, especially the one about Nancy ;). I am a proud owner of the best humane society dog ever :) and I am soooo behind you on the sad sad fact that puppy mills exist and salute your efforts to educate thru your blog. It is just completely beyond me HOW any human could treat animals that way and be able to live with themselves. It is just appalling.