"Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good." Minor Myers, Jr.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Posey Long-legs Taylor

This is my sweet Posey. She is camera shy and doesn't like to have her picture taken... so I end up taking 5,000 pictures of her trying to get just one good one! She is the sweetest dog in the world. If anyone sits down on the couch, within a minute and a half she will be cuddled up next to them. She is extremely soft, especially her ears... I call her my Velveteen Puppy. She doesn't listen well, is totally oblivious to most of what is going on around her, and she freaks out if left alone. She doesn't like to swim but loves jumping in and out of the water and then running crazily around in circles -- she is dizzyingly fast! She is stubborn and lives to mess with her sister.

She wants to be doing whatever we are doing. She loves to be under the covers. She also secretly likes to be in her crate with her bone because Rider can't get to her to take it away and it drives her crazy! She is clumsy as all hell and mysteriously hurts herself fairly often... that goes back to her being oblivious. Most recently she fell out of the back of Paul's truck and was scraped up from head to toe -- Neosporin is her best friend. Now we have pet insurance on both of them, and she will probably never get hurt again! That's a good thing though.

This is where she sits with her sister and waits for us to get home from work and then she jumps jumps jumps and can't contain her excitement even though she knows better. She doesn't care for balls or frisbees but loves a good rope that she can swing around the room like a lunatic. Paul gave her to me for Christmas when he asked me to marry him. She is my first dog and one of the loves of my life.

If you want to know more about Weimaraners you can visit http://www.weimclubamerica.org/ or http://www.weimaranersavvy.com/index.html.

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